Jodi's New Book, Hope Givers, is available on Amazon!

Jodi O'Donnell-Ames
Speaker, author, MSW student,
and Hope Giver.
According to The National Council, 70% of adults in the U.S. have experienced some type of tramatic event atleast once in their lives; that's a lot of collective trauma and it impacts every one of us.
The fact is, ADVERSITY is a part of life, but we don't expect difficult times to happen to US.
Yet, at some point, we all face times in our lives when we think, "How do I go on? How do I find my way? How do I find hope?"
That's exactly how my podcast, Gratitude to Latitude and my eventual book , Hope Givers, came to be.
Whether you pick up a copy of Hope Givers or hear me speak, you will hear about real life Hope Givers and their stories of resilience.
I don't know what brought you to my page or me, but I hope to be of service.
"It's an indisputable truth that while life is complicated and difficult, hope is reserved for each and every one of us." JOA